Friday, February 14, 2014

POEM: Liar, Liar

I know, I know... "Wait, she's still writing in this thing?" 

I've been horribly remiss in posting here, but I was re-inspired to write more in my hard-copy teaching notebook by a recent CAWP Saturday workshop, and so I have more material to use here. 

Also, now that we're studying poetry in my English 11 classes, I've instituted writing Fridays, and I'm trying to write a poem or two for each prompt as a model for my students. 

I also have a book review or two to post as I've been reading a lot of YA lit recently, so, keep an eye out for those posts soon, I guess, if that's your thing. 

Enough babbling. Here's some poetry. 


Last week we read "One Art" by Elizabeth Bishop, which is one of my favorite poems. EVER. (Look it up if you don't know it. Please!) In response, I asked the students to write a poem which used a similar trick to hers, using hyperbole and irony to show the reader that everything stated in the poem is actually a lie. "The art of losing isn't hard to master," she says, but we (and she) know better. 

I asked the students to write a poem that included at least five lies about themselves. Some of what they wrote was really fantastic--open and honest (well, you know) and well-crafted, experimenting with rhyme and repetition and form. Success! 

At any rate, here's mine: 


I am the perfect daughter-- 
     I never disappoint my parents 
     or disagree with them. 

I am the perfect sister-- 
     I am never selfish or petty 
     or thoughtless of her feelings. 

I am the perfect teacher-- 
     I always have my lessons prepared weeks in advance 
     and I never fall behind on grading papers. 

I am the perfect friend-- 
     I never whine about one friend to another-- 
     and I am the best at keeping in touch. 

I am the perfect writer-- 
     I never run out of ideas 
     or get frustrated when choosing the right words to use. 

I am the perfect liar-- 
     even I believe 
     all the things that I say.

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